Youth Ministries
OGLC is proud to offer year-round groups and activities for our youth to form a relationship with God with their peers. All of our teachers, helpers, and other adults have all the necessary clearances to be around the youth and have agreed to our Child Protection Policy.
Christian Education Committee
Barb Minzenberg
Tracy Shaffer
Youth Director
Sunday School
Toddler through 4th Grade
Every Sunday at 8:45am, potty trained toddlers through 4th grade are invited to attend Sunday School in our Social Hall, while the grown-ups are in worship upstairs! There is a rotation of wonderful teachers that teach the children the many stories of the Bible using curriculum from Sparkhouse!

Youth Group
5th through 12th Grade
Our Youth Group program has partnered with our sisters and brothers at Unionville United Methodist Church (1297 Route 68, Rochester, PA 15074) for the current year! Youth Group meets at Unionville on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month from 6:30-8 PM.
Confirmation Class
5th through 7th Grade
Meeting on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month from 6-7:30 PM at the church, young adults prepare to make public profession of their faith after two years of study in Scripture and Luther's Small Catechism.